Monday, 30 June 2014

Eggs, Oranges and Billion Story Buildings

Annika: everything is thrifted except shirt (c/o Sheinside (ages ago) and shoes (Naot)) and handmade egg brooch
Katie: Everything is thrifted except for handmade egg brooch and earrings (made by us!)

Hi all! I am posting this with a very heavy heart because Katie is just about to hop on a plane to Scandinavia for the whole of July, and I'm at a complete loss as to what I'm going to do without her! Over the last 6 months we've grown incredibly close, spending much of our spare time hanging out, making crafts, talking about feminism, anthropology and science and dressing up like weirdos together. I cried even more after we said goodbye than when my boyfriend left the other day (also for a month-long holiday in Europe *grumble jealousy grumble*).
So we spent all of yesterday hanging out and taking photos, our outfits becoming progressively more ridiculous as the day went on. I styled both of our outfits here - for some reason I was feeling Autumnal even though it isn't Autumn anywhere in the world right now. Autumn and... eggs. Because eggs are awesome. Yep.
I also forced Katie to buy these cute chilli suspenders the other day because I thought they suited her perfectly - what do you guys think?

So I've posted about What If before (a website where a physicist takes ridiculous questions completely seriously), and I really liked this particular one so I wanted to share it!
This question actually comes from a 4-year-old, so it's also super cute. If you were to build a skyscraper with one billion stories.... just how big would it be? This is also happens to help you get your head around the concept of a "billion" - it's just so large!
The illustration above (by XKCD's What If) shows a skyscraper that's only 10,000 floors high. Still much smaller than a billion! Click here to see what a billion-story building would look like!

I hope that you're all having a lovely day.

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  1. You big cutie (and clever-ey!!!) I'm gonna miss you tooo much. SO MUCH LOVE xxxxxx

  2. Ahh these outfit photos are adorable! Those suspenders are so awesome ahhh!
    I love scientists who answer crazy qus like that - especially cos I study biochemistry myself it's great to see other people having fun with it! xo

    amber love

    1. Biochemist high-five! I study biochemistry too :D

  3. I adore these outfits! You both have such great style!

  4. I absolutely love your brooches. What did you make them with?

    1. Just super cheap (I think it was actually child's) air-drying clay from the craft store! :)

    2. :)

  5. I love all of the patterns and colors in both of your looks! The suspenders and egg brooch are so fun :) My bestie lives in Europe and the distance is hard. A European getaway sounds so perfect right now!

  6. What a bummer to have your friend leave but at least you both wore the coolest outfits of all the time. I am obsessed with this magical pattern mixing you did. I don't even mind that it's autumnal.


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