Saturday, 6 April 2013

Ladybirds (Everywhere!) / A Call for Guest Bloggers / The Scientific Power of Thought

As I was racking my brains as to what to wear to Sydney rental inspections last week (notoriously one of the most difficult rental markets in the world), this awesome care-package from US Trendy with a Miss Patina dress inside arrived in the mail, along with these fantastic cat collar clips from Lady Bird Likes.

(Funnily enough, the dress also had a lady bird print on it, which was a weird co-incidence as the collar clips are from an etsy shop with lady bird in their name!)

And I have some really exciting news! The outfit must have worked a treat, because we were accepted for a really really (I mean, for the standards of a first-time-renting student) lovely property! So, for the next week or so, I'm going to be moving house! But I'm also going to university at the same time, and in between packing, it means I'm not actually going to have time to blog. I was wondering, if there were any super lovely bloggers out there who wanted to write guest posts for me, to be put up over the next week or two? I'm particularly looking for DIY, crafts, vintage style or science-themed posts (but am open to any other idea as well)! Shoot me an email at with your ideas first, if there's anyone out there who feels like helping me out! :]

Also, if you can see them, please excuse my dodgy nail colour polish - I had my nails painted by a 6-year-old the other day and she was really proud of it (she actually did a pretty good job for a 6-year-old I think).

dress - c/o Us Trendy
clips - c/o Ladybird Likes
socks - Tutuanna (Japan)
shoes - c/o YesWalker

It's no secret to anyone who's been reading my blog for a while that I'm really into brains.
Well this video from ASAP science is an awesome exploration into the ways that just thinking can physically change your brain. Let me know your thoughts on it!

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  1. Such a cute outfit! I love collar clips, but I need to figure out what they look best with in my closet... Congratulations on your moving plans! I will have to watch that video later :)

    xox Sammi

  2. Congratulations on the house, really great news. I am in Sydney too and I feel your pain about the rental market, it's hideous.

    Love the outfit, it's so cute!


  3. This dress is vintageous (vintage + gorgeous, see it? see? haha, I'm hilarious!) and I loved the birdy coincidence! haha

    And I love those researchs in the field of quantum physics that abranges the area of the power of the brain in choosing randomly a number from a machine! There was huge researchs in the field, about the brain controling little things in the universe! I will watch the video <33

    And OMG, I want to help you! *-*
    Do I have to send you something especific, like a post? D:

    1. You've just coined a new term - vintageous! I love it.

      I'm not so sure about quantum physics.. haha. I don't think the brain is able to control things like that, but I know there is speculation, although I'm not sure just how scientific it is...

      That would be sooo great! I want a guest post, but if you wanted to just send me your idea first that'd be good (before you write up a whole post, just in case I don't think it'll fit!)

    2. Are you talking about the observer effect? I'm not really sure what abranges means though.
      The observer effect is more linked to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle than the brain actually controlling things. Basically as you observe a particle, the way it behaves changes. There are some pretty good Horizon documentaries on that topic, but I don't know if you get them outside the UK :(

    3. Ooh thank you doxographies, maybe she did mean the observer effect (and I think abranges = arranges? My phone always gives me weird typos like that).
      I know that the observer effect is often sometimes mistaken for something that our brains can actually control, and a lot of stuff about 'the power of the mind' on a 'quantum level' (where quantum basically replaces the word 'magic') and being able to change the world just by thinking about it comes from that school of thought, which I'm not sure it is super scientifically rigorous. I'm not sure though if that's what dayane meant though, either.

  4. Oh my gosh it's absolutely amazing the power of the brain! I couldn't believe how powerful it was until I started to study it1 IT's amazing that you are into that. I wish I liked science just a little...i like psychology but that's a social science

  5. I love learning about the malleability of the brain. So cool! Your science features are always the best.
    Also your dotted dress with the ladybugs is adorable! I always love how you pair cute little socks with your outfits too. I need to find some little frilly socks like yours!

  6. Learn something new every science post. Love love love! Wish I had something worthwhile to blog for you!!!!

  7. That outfit is adorablely awesome! :3 I love the cat collar clips (what a tongue twister!)

    And thats really reminds me of when I had a teacher that told us to stand straight, and put our arms out and reach around as far as we possibly could, and remember the point that we couldn't move further from. Then they told us to continue standing in the same spot, but to imagine going further than that point. And once we tried it worked!!

    The brain is a fantabulous creation, and oh so interesting!!

    I love your science facts! I learn something new all the time! :3

  8. Wooohooo! Congratulations on the house- That's so exciting!

    I'd love to help you out. I'll have a think and shoot my ideas over to you soon :)


  9. I would love to help but I am so busy with college at the mo I haven't had much time to update my own blog :(
    I love your hair btw, I've been toying with the idea of having mine that length, though is fairly short anyway.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I always wonder how you an find so many cute dresses!

  12. ooooh you look lovely! love your clips ♥

  13. Aww, you always look amazing in cute dresses like these! And I think your hair looks stunning!

    SHE WALKS Blog

  14. Send us pics of the new house!! :)

  15. That cat collar clip is so freakin cute!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a message! I read every single one. Don't forget to check back for a reply if you leave a question! ♥

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