Showing posts with label Lady Bird Likes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lady Bird Likes. Show all posts

Saturday, 6 April 2013

Ladybirds (Everywhere!) / A Call for Guest Bloggers / The Scientific Power of Thought

As I was racking my brains as to what to wear to Sydney rental inspections last week (notoriously one of the most difficult rental markets in the world), this awesome care-package from US Trendy with a Miss Patina dress inside arrived in the mail, along with these fantastic cat collar clips from Lady Bird Likes.

(Funnily enough, the dress also had a lady bird print on it, which was a weird co-incidence as the collar clips are from an etsy shop with lady bird in their name!)

And I have some really exciting news! The outfit must have worked a treat, because we were accepted for a really really (I mean, for the standards of a first-time-renting student) lovely property! So, for the next week or so, I'm going to be moving house! But I'm also going to university at the same time, and in between packing, it means I'm not actually going to have time to blog. I was wondering, if there were any super lovely bloggers out there who wanted to write guest posts for me, to be put up over the next week or two? I'm particularly looking for DIY, crafts, vintage style or science-themed posts (but am open to any other idea as well)! Shoot me an email at with your ideas first, if there's anyone out there who feels like helping me out! :]

Also, if you can see them, please excuse my dodgy nail colour polish - I had my nails painted by a 6-year-old the other day and she was really proud of it (she actually did a pretty good job for a 6-year-old I think).

dress - c/o Us Trendy
clips - c/o Ladybird Likes
socks - Tutuanna (Japan)
shoes - c/o YesWalker

It's no secret to anyone who's been reading my blog for a while that I'm really into brains.
Well this video from ASAP science is an awesome exploration into the ways that just thinking can physically change your brain. Let me know your thoughts on it!

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