Thursday 20 June 2013

Rose Gardens and Space Telescopes

I am a very happy lady tonight, because I have finished my exams! I think my weeks of non-stop studying really paid off as well, which makes finishing them all the sweeter. Nonetheless, I am going to be doing some mad blogging for the next week or so before I head off overseas, so if you visit here daily you'll almost certainly see something new each time ;)

Isn't this dress Sheinside sent me gorgeous? It just makes me want to have a picnic in a rose garden. Unfortunately I couldn't find any roses to take photos among - it being the middle of winter in Sydney and all. This pretty park did a good job serving as the backdrop, though.

I was so happy with the shoes that Yeswalker sent me as part of a sponsored post a few months ago (these ones) that I went and bought a couple of pairs with my own money, these red ones included. They're soooo cute and comfortable, and were also sent with free postage. I got two pairs for $15 each which is seriously good. These are going to be my Italy-trip walking-shoes! (I will never ever wear practical walking shoes, not even for travelling. Sorry, feet, but runners are just too ugly.)

dress - c/o Sheinside
cardigan - Thrifted
tights - c/o OASAP
necklace - c/o Merrin & Gussy
hat - c/o Wholesale
shoes - Yeswalker

You guys. This is the power of crowd-funding. 12,000 people (at the time I write this) have pledged money to a kickstarter project to fund an educational Space Telescope called ARKYD. There's 10 days left if you want to get yourself a "space selfie" (in fact, I think that's probably half the reason why the project has done so well. I am considering getting a space selfie of my favourite outfit just so I can put it on the blog in a science segment. If enough of you tell me that I should...).
Right now though, I'm completely exhausted (and vaguely aware that I might be writing nonsense) so I will leave it at that. Good night from Sydney, and I hope you're all having/have had a super good day!

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  1. You are absolutely stunning. Love that gorgeous dress--it looks perfect with those darling red shoes. You almost remind me a little of Snow White with that cute necklace and dark hair too. And those twirling photos are always so pretty!

    Glad to hear your studying paid off (: Haha, and I agree--I can't stand wearing sneakers when I travel! I just grin and bear it with my impractical shoes.

    Ooh, I've never heard of ARKYD. That's pretty darn cool. A space selfie sounds interesting too!

  2. You look amazing! I bought this dress a couple months ago, but I have only worn it once... I was kindof pissed about how shiny it was? I've seen a few bloggers in it though, and no one else seems to care! I ought to suck it up, the print is worth it.
    What is a space selfie!


    1. Mmm yes, so was I at first! But then I figured pairing it with a duller cardigan and matte tights worked well with the shinyness of the dress, so I have actually worn it a lot now! But if you wore it just on its own in summer, it could look a little too fancy with it's shinyness.

  3. Congratulations on finishing your exams, lady!! And oh my gosh, that dress. It's stunning on you! And I love those little red flats. Yeswalker's shoes are so cute!

    xox Sammi

  4. cute outfit, I love this dress soooo much!

    alice c'n'r

  5. Yay for finishing exams! haha I'm so excited to see all your posts this week. ;)

  6. i love your dress, it's so pretty! the apple necklace is a nice touch too


  7. I absolutely love that dress!


  8. what a gorgeous dress, love love love it paired with white ights! xx
    Alice Barton ♥ TheMowWay

  9. My eye does not come out of the shoe. DAMN! I loved the dress, the pattern is so beautiful that my heart is hypnotizing!

  10. Beautiful dress! And the necklace too!

  11. You're adorable! I love your rose dress. And I'd love a space selfie!!!

    Life of Mabel

  12. Such a lovely, happy outfit!
    Well done on finishing your exams! It's such a wonderful feeling to be able to relax!

    ARKYD is a great idea but with a resolution of 1 arcsecond and a primary mirror of only 200mm it certainly won't be able to resolve the kind of structures given as examples (M42 is approximately 82x60 arc minutes in size!). So it's usability is a little limited. I'd love to see funding like this for some of our existing, optical and infrared, ground based telescopes that we can no longer afford to maintain.
    However, for children and young adults I think this would be lovely, providing its operated by teachers and institutions that have a working knowledge of practical astronomy.

    I'm kind of on the fence about this, for many reasons but I'm sure this comment is long enough already!


    1. Oooh, no, thank you so much for your analysis of it, I was too tired last night to really look at it properly so I was just like THAT SOUNDS COOL, haha. Also I really don't have enough knowledge of arcseconds and the like to know that the resolution wouldn't be too amazing! Still, for K-12 educational applications, it sounds like it is still pretty good. I didn't know that there were some big ground-based infrared telescopes were no longer able to be maintained :( and I agree with you, someone should start a kickstarter for them! Although they wouldn't be able to provide a 'selfie in space'.. haha.

    2. The angular resolution, of 1 arc second, just denotes how much of space you can fit into the field of view. There are 60 arc seconds in an arc minute and 60 arc minutes in one degree. So you wouldn't be able to see any larger structures. But some stars and maybe very deep space, high magnitude, globular clusters could be fully resolved.
      Having fully read the article I do think it is a nice idea for educating children, the telescope is fully operated by professionals (so no over exposures!), at least in a very visual way about the structures present in the universe!

      Seriously love your inclusions of science in your blog!

    3. So what you are saying is that you could only see things that are really far in the distance? Like, you couldn't point this at anything in our solar system? Hmmm

      And thank you! I love reading your comments on them when I put something up about space! :D

    4. Well unfortunately not. You could see objects in our solar system, or objects in the Messier catalog (not considered to be "deep space" objects) but you'd only be able to fit a small portion in the actual camera frame. And due to the small focal length very deep space objects would be hard to resolve too! However this telescope picks up a large range of magnitudes so with very long exposures you could obtain some images of deep space!


  13. I am trying to convince you to get a space selfie, as it would be a very good investment, for some valid reason. The opportunity may not come by again. Plus, a space selfie, how could you resist?
    Did I argue well enough to convince you?

    1. Really, I'm just looking for someone else to justify me getting a space selfie, haha. So yes, yes you did :D

  14. Hey Annika! I was wondering how you got these online shops to send you free items to post on your blog... what kind of stats do I need & how do I go about asking? Thanks!

    1. Hey you! Haha aahh well... companies kinda do just ask me, I don't approach them so I'm not entirely sure how you would go about doing so. I get about 1800 visitors a day (that's from google analytics) so I guess you'd need to be clocking up to those numbers! And have a strong social media presence as well. But you shouldn't be blogging just for free clothes, of course! (I'm just enjoying it now because I am poor and wouldn't have nearly as many outfits to blog about otherwise, still, I do always choose the items myself).

  15. i like your dress! and i have that exact necklace as well! :D


  16. You look like the modern age snow white :)


  17. So cute!

  18. You look darling, I especially like the apple core necklace. So sweet!

  19. That dress is just so amazing! I really love the pattern and those shoes are AMAZING. I might need to get me a pair of those myself - especially since they are buy one, get one - so amazing!


  20. Congrats on finishing your exams and cute outfit as always! The apple necklace, white tights, and red flats kinda remind me of Snow White!

  21. om! I love this dress! is sooooo soooo cute!!!

  22. Oh my....soooooooo very lovely, so pretty...both you and the gorgeous dress.....

    the shoes are so perfect....... and as I've said a billion times, no one loves white tights more than I do...but maybe you come in a close second my dear.

    Congratulations on your success in your exams and for all your dedication and hard work.

    Jayme, your fashion and ballet loving (I live in white tights) guy fan from the USA who will always have a crush on your smile.

  23. I'm so late seeing this post, but I absolutely love your dress! It's just so pretty! I love the rose print and how perfectly your red shoes matches with it.


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