Wednesday 6 February 2013

Devil's in the Details / Nakano

Today it is snowing, but not in a nice way - just icky, icy stuff - and there's also been a very very small "tsunami advisory" issued for the entire east coast of Japan (nothing to worry about, it might just mean some train lines are stopped), so I'm taking that as an excuse to stay inside, get some blogging done and watch some bizarre Japanese tv.
This is the outfit I wore the other day to Nakano! It's a suuuuper cute suburb, the most dense in Tokyo in fact - there are 20,000 people living in each square kilometre, although you wouldn't be able to tell on the Monday afternoon that we were there - with hundreds of both adorable and slightly grungy side-streets to explore, which at night are full of 80s-themed bars, great Izakaya and delicious places to eat.
t-shirt - Thank You Mart
necklace - c/o Merrin & Gussy
skirt - c/o Sheinside
tights - c/o My Tights
shoes - Shoe store in Koenji
headband - Accessory store in Harajuku
belt - Vintage

And as a quick science fact today, here's a picture of me in an installation at the Trick Art Museum we visited while in Odaiba the other day. This is an optical illusion known as the Ames Room. Here's a video of the fantastic neuroscientist Ramachandran explaining the Ames Room, and this google search shows some awesome pictures of it at work.
The room didn't duplicate me by the way - as there was only my boyfriend and me to take photos, we could only go in one at a time, so I just merged the photos of me standing at both sides of the room, haha.

The ames room works by tricking the observer into thinking they are glancing into a normal, rectangular sized room. In reality, the room is an irregular shape with the floor slanted upwards as you get bigger and bigger (there's a good diagram of the room on the wikipedia page too).
I hope you're all super well!

Much love,


  1. oh you look so cute, Annika! love your tee by the way! can't properly see the design haha but still love it! :)
    hope you're doing great and enjoying Tokyo!

    Drawing Dreaming

    1. Oh! It's a super cute polar bear. Yeah my hair ended up covering it up! Ah well I'll take another picture with it I'm sure, I loooove this t-shirt. Best thing about it was that is was $4!

  2. I really love your skirt!
    Hope you are enjoying Tokyo!

  3. I love your outfit!! Especially the skirt~ And I envy you for being in Japan right now :-( Anyway, that Trick Art Museum looks so coooool~

  4. Very cute! The boots are awesome, I have similar shoes - all black but mary janes rather than boots, but now I'm lusting after the boots too!

    1. Everyone has been telling me about these mysterious mary jane cat shoes that they own, haha! were yours also from amazon?

  5. I've been saving all of your Japan trip posts so that one day I can have them as a reference in case I visit Japan! ♥ Ths wig that you bought is by far my favourite. You look lovely. :)

  6. I love your outfit :D didn't even notice you were wearing tights until one of the close up photos! This is going to sound really weird but the floor of that street is really CLEAN, theres no litter or chewing gum anywhere! Especially for a side street like this one with graffiti on the walls, the floor is remarkably tidy! Is all of Japan like this?

    1. Yeah! It is, actually! It's really, really, really nice. And especially amazing because it's impossible to find public bins anywhere you go in tokyo.

  7. Your whole outfit is great, but the shoes are my favourite! I need boots like that :D Your posts make me feel so inspired every time; thanks so much for sharing :)

  8. Hey! I'm just starting out on the world of blogging and was wondering if you could take a minute to follow and have a look around. Thanks! Katie xox

  9. Ultrakawaii!! You're such a babe. I looove the boots!

  10. I love your bat necklace!


  11. I love your hair bow! Your whole outfit is super cute! :) Looks like you are having a blast! Hope you had a fun blog day during the cruddy weather!


  12. Ahh you're so perfect *_*
    also that museum looks fucking cool!

  13. Aaaaak, I'm dying over your cat boots, Annika!! >.< And Japan probably the perfect country for you and your style. ;D Can't wait to read your new post.

    Hugs and kiss kiss,

  14. I've always wanted to go to one of these trick rooms! So cool! And I love that you merged the photos together. It makes it extra creepy.


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