Friday 21 February 2014

Musicality / Relativity

Top is thrifted | skirt c/o Sheinside (old) | socks and belt are thrifted | shoes c/o Chicwish (old)

Thank you very much to the girl who was selling all her clothes & old fabric at Glebe markets the other weekend! This scalloped blouse is absolute perfection, I love it so much! Not only can I layer it under dresses, but it looks cute with a simple skater skirt like this music-print one I'm wearing today.
I've never talked about music much on my blog before, but it is has been and still is, to some extent, a very large part of my life. While I was growing up, I learned how to play the drums (and bass and piano as well, but mainly drums) for several years. I learned when I was in my mid-teens when I was very into hard-punky-rock (haha) so I had a pretty full-on style of drumming at the time, though I did mellow out and learn how to do quieter, slower things like jazz drumming. Although I've stopped now, I still love playing the drums whenever I can get my hands on someone's kit. I'm also that annoying person who is constantly drumming on everything they can get their hands on, from tabletops to the seats on the bus. Are there any other lady drummers out there? Leave me a comment, let me know!

This is what I'm going to leave you with today:

This comic is by Calm Blue Oceans (check them out, they're pretty funny!)

I hope you're all having a great day,

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Tuesday 18 February 2014

Cherries & Blueberries & A Pile of Viruses

Dress is Forever 21 (years old) | bolero is thrifted | shoes are old | ring is DIY (made using this tutorial) | cherries c/o Sarsparilly

This ring is dangerous. Everytime I wear it, I get some intense cravings for apple-and-blueberry pie, which is completely full of sugar and not something one should be consuming on a daily basis. (My pancake stack ring is even worse). If I'm going to start wearing food clothes all the time, I'm definitely going to develop a terrible diet! Maybe I could remedy this by wearing solely health-food-themed clothes. E.g. a spinach-patterned shirt. A broccoli brooch. Quinoa-print pants. Kale socks. Sound like a good idea?

So if you haven't heard of XKCD's What If before, you're really missing out ;)
People send in psychics/biology/mathematics/general science questions featuring ridiculous hypotheticals (such as "Is there a way to fire a gun so the bullet can safely be caught by hand"?), and they're thoroughly and seriously answered, all necessary mathematics included. Anyway, I wanted to share this brilliant one with you all: "What if every virus in the world were collected into one area? How much volume would they take up and what would they look like?"
Viruses are tiny, tiny microscopic things. They're much smaller than the cells that make up your body, much smaller even than bacteria. In fact, your own body is home to 3000000000000 individual viruses (YES, INSIDE YOU RIGHT NOW), and this is actually fairly low compared to other environments. And even with all those viruses, all the human viruses in every 7 billion human bodies in the world would fit into 10 oil drums.
But the question was, how much space would all the viruses in the world take up?
Read the answer on What If!

Have a wonderful day, and try not to catch a virus.

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Monday 17 February 2014

And I'm Feline Good

Dress is c/o Romwe (old) | blouse is thrifted | tights from Daiso | Shoes from Asos

Hi guys! Hope you're all FELINE great! Do you these great puns will CATch on? I think so. They're pretty pawesome. Just like this dress! It's purrfect! I also figured out a way of wearing it without having a boob-CATastrophe (because of the mostly-sheer top) by layering a simple vintage blouse underneath it. I'd be lion if I said I wasn't a little bit proud of my innovativeness here.
Okay, okay, I'll stop with the cat puns now. Stopped. 

I may have shared this before, but I think it's time to share it again. Thanks to AsapSCIENCE, you can now learn the science of cats. Do you know why cats always land on their feet?

Have a pawsitively great day,

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I'm Selling My Clothes! (Round #2)

I have just listed 40 new items in my shop! Some items are reserved for people who asked for them, but these may become available again if those people decide they don't want them anymore (or I don't hear from them), so keep an eye on these things too ;)

Again, I'm selling a lot of my favourites here, that either don't fit me anymore, or that I think that I have hoarded for long enough and want to pass on to someone else! Also, if you want to browse through my past outfits and you see something that catches your eye, and it's not listed in the store, email me ( and I might just sell it to you, as long as I'm not too attached to it.

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Sunday 16 February 2014

Friday 14 February 2014

Cherry Pancakes (DIY Dress) & Confirmation Biases

Dress is DIY | bag is thrifted | shoes are thrifted | ring is DIY | cherries c/o Sarsparilly

Say hello to my brand new pancake dress! I've been planning this particular dress for months, then spent two days sewing it up all perfect, and right now I couldn't be happier with it! And you'd better believe that I wore it with my pancake-stack ring. You can never have too many pancakes. Only problem with this outfit is that I AM CRAVING FOOD ALL THE TIME. It's basic stimulus and response - I see delicious pancakes all around me, I want to make and eat delicious pancakes. All. The. Time.

I also filmed how to make sleeves and how to make a peter pan collar, the first of which was uploaded to my youtube channel the other night and the latter coming soon!

So you all know how one of my favourite science topics on this blog is the psychology of human perception, and I repeatedly tell you how you can't ever trust that your own brain is giving you an accurate representation of reality (examples here, here, here, here, here and here).
But if it's the case that our perception of reality is actually pretty awful, how is it that we can ever "know" anything? How can scientists, for example, ever "know" that one theory is better than another?

The Scientific Method & Confirmation Bias

An example. One day, your phone is ringing and for whatever reason, what immediately pops into your head is "that must be Gary*". When you answer, you are pleasantly surprised to find out that it is indeed your friend Gary calling you.
"Hey! I knew it was going to be you!" you tell Gary.

The next time your phone rings, you have the same thought: "That's Gary."
And you know who's on the other end of the line? It's your friend Gary again!
"This is getting seriously weird," you think.

A couple of days later, when your phone rings, you immediately "know" that it's Gary calling you. And guess what. It is! "Oh my gosh," you tell Gary, "I don't wanna freak you out, but I think that I'm psychic. I always know when you're calling me".

In fact, it seems like you're always getting it right whenever Gary is calling you. Thus, you develop the theory that you have psychic-phone abilities exclusively for your friend Gary.

But what you actually have is confirmation bias.

It turns out that throughout the past couple of days, other people have also called you. A couple of these times the thought of "Hey, that's Gary!" also crossed your mind, but when you picked up the phone it was actually your mum, and once, a telemarketer. But because these instances didn't confirm the above-mentioned theory, you simply forget about them. This is a case of "counting the hits and forgetting the misses". For each case that confirms your belief, you place a big fat tick against the theory. But you simply ignore the times when that didn't happen. Don't feel bad - we all fall victim to this trap, and it's an extremely human thing to do. And it's yet another reason to always second-guess your own brain.

But how can we make sure that this doesn't happen, for example, in an important scientific experiment? Well, how could we test whether or not you're truly phone-psychic for Gary? This is where the idea of "blinding" comes in.

A "Blinded" Study:
Being keen to get to the bottom of your "psychic" abilities, you invite four of your friends, including Gary, over to your house. Gary and two friends go into a separate room, where you can't hear or see them. They all have their phones with them, and they're going to take turns in calling your phone at random. Another friend sits with you - they're there to make sure you don't cheat. You have a pen and a piece of paper. "I'm ready", you say.

Your phone rings. One of your friends is randomly calling you from the other room. Obviously, you can't see a number or the caller ID. You don't answer. You write "test number one", and then write down whether or not you think it's Gary calling you. Your friends in the other room have also written down "test number one", and written down who has called you.
Your phone rings again. You write "test number two", and again you write down whether or not you think that Gary is calling you.
You repeat this 50 times.

You then meet up with your friends, and compare results.

After a statistical analysis of your results, it turns out that you were actually correct in guessing that Gary was calling you only 14.28% of the time. With these results, you abandon your psychic-phone theory.

And this is how scientists avoid confirmation bias in studies as well. A simple "blinded" test, in which you, the subject, doesn't know which condition they're in (i.e. who is calling them), but is still able to respond, can help to eliminate this very human thing we do called confirmation bias.

Read more about blinding in studies (and double-blinding) here.

*Gary bears no resemblance to anyone I know in real life; I named him after Spongebob's snail.

I hope that you have a great day!

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