Monday 18 February 2013

Denim Overalls & Universal Studios

For our two-year anniversary date, Luciano and I went to Universal Studios in Osaka. The whole place is full of different themed, amazingly detailed towns and cities including New York, San Francisco and Hollywood, with replica sets from movies lining the streets of each one. I basically feel like I've gone to America now. It was snowing basically all day (and windy), and the really scary roller coaster was closed for maintenance :( but I got to ride in a Delorean so that made up for everything!
overalls - Vintage from WEGO
sweater - c/o Sheinside
headband & necklace - 315 yen store in Harajuku/Namba
boots - Asos

I can't believe that I have to leave this amazing country in just three days time.

Hope you're all very very well,

Sunday 17 February 2013

Lolita in Fukushima / Neuroscience

Determined to buy a lolita-style coat some time on my trip, I finally picked this one up from a Bodyline shop in Osaka for only $50! The shape of the coat is absolutely gorgeous, with its tie-up cape and how the bottom part of the skirt flounces out. This new wig is also from the same Bodyline store! I'm more than happy to be spending all my money in that shop, because no only do they provide wannabe Japanese lolitas with cheap lolita-style clothing, they also have some transgender employees, which is awesome because I think it can often be hard for transgendered people to find jobs, just because of who they are. I paired my beautiful new cape with these platform shoes from Tokyo, and as it was Valentines day, these "Je t'aime" tights sent to me by My Tights!
coat - Bodyline
shoes - from Tokyo
tights - c/o My Tights
necklace - 315 yen store in Osaka
headband - 315 yen store in Tokyo

As my Japanese-related science factoid for today, I'm going to talk about Japanese neuroscientist/biophysicist Ichiji Tasaki - a scientist who I look up to - who made a massive breakthrough in the world of neuroscience: this guy discovered the purpose of myelin sheath.
In our brains, we have special cells called neurons. The electrical signals passed between neurons is essentially the basis of all sensations, thoughts, movements and memories we experience. For example, a signal passed from the nerve cells of the hand to the brain along neurons is what tells the brain that your hand is touching a hot stove, and also helps move your hand away. Ichiji Tasaki discovered the myelin sheath, which is what wraps around each neuron's axon, acting like an insulator on an electric wireWithout it, the electrical signals that go around our brain would be much, much slower, and our brains wouldn't have the capabilities that they have. We'd also have very slow reaction times. The myelin is what is attacked and destroyed by the immune system in the autoimmune disease MS (multiple sclerosis). Ichiji Tasaki's discovery helped the world understand what was going on in MS, and also greatly advanced the field of neuroscience.

More from me soon,

p.s. Thanks so much for leaving such super dooper lovely comments on my Valentines day post, featuring the first-time appearance of my boyfriend Luciano! You made him super happy, and much more confident about his appearance!! Hopefully he will now be appearing on the blog more regularly, as he often wears really cool outfits I want to snap photos of!
p.p.s. Fukushima probably sounds familiar because of the devastating 2011 Tohoku earthquake & tsunami. I'm not in that particular Fukushima in this photo, I'm in a ward called Fukushima in Osaka.

Thursday 14 February 2013

I want to spend all nine lives with you ♥

Introducing to my blog for the very first time... my boyfriend Luciano! Luci is normally quite camera shy (hence the reason you've never seen him on my blog before and probably all thought I had an imaginary boyfriend haha), but we had an agreement that if I got a really nice shot of him, he would allow me to share it with you all! And I totally did - just in time for Valentines day too! Isn't the above shot loooovely? (You have to all leave comments saying that it is, so I can encourage Luci to let me put him on my blog more often, heheh).
Valentines day is pretty special to us both, because it was around this time 2 years ago that we shared our first kiss - in fact, the 16th of February is our two year anniversary! I couldn't ask for a better guy to share my life with - especially one who has not minded me basically going shopping every day we've been in Japan, as well as dutifully carrying around all my shopping bags for me! ;)
Annika is wearing
sweater - c/o Romwe
shorts - c/o Wholesale
tights, boots and headband - Japan

Luciano is wearing
coat - Young Look
jeans - Cotton On
shoes - Centrepoint Tower Westfield
bag, scarf and earrings - Japan

♡ Happy Valentines day! 

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Kobe, Meeting with Ashley Dy & Blogger Kei

A couple of days ago I had the great pleasure of meeting up with a blogger who I have admired from afar for about as long as I've been blogging - Ashley Dy of Candy Kawaii Lover!
I was so happy when I spied Ashley also wearing platform shoes that were, while totally amazing, also a little impractical for spending the day walking around the city! From that point I knew we'd have a lot in common. My boyfriend Luci who also came along thought we were so scarily similar that we might as well be twins! You can definitely see from the photographs that our aesthetic is basically identical - we both decided to match browns, neutrals and pastel pinks with tights and platforms shoes without any collaboration on our outfits beforehand!
Above is basically the only "serious" shot of the whole bunch - every other photo on my camera ended up more like this:
But I still really like these shots because they're a nice reminder of how much fun we had!
It was so nice to meet up with another person who understands the awkwardness and hilarity involved in taking photos of yourself with a tripod and timer while being watched by strangers who think you're either completely mad or a total narcissist, and how hard it is to explain to people what you "do" as a blogger! Neither of us have people in our daily lives who we can really talk to about this stuff, so it's really nice to meet up with someone who understands it!

Ashley couldn't have been nicer and she showed us all around some amazing parts of Kobe, including a gorgeous spot up near the mountains full of old houses and beautiful Japanese flora, and is probably the most beautiful place I've visited in Japan thus far.

And if you follow me on facebook, you may have already seen us being "hilarious" in this photo:
Ashley luckily got a lot more serious shots of our outfits than this, haha (at least, I think she did...). If you want to see what I'm wearing, then head over to the awesome street-style shoot Ashley did of me here! And I totally forgot to ask Ashley where she got what she was wearing, although I do know that you can get those pretty pastel platforms from her store (click here!)
I hope you're all having a lovely day! Make sure to visit Candy Kawaii Lover and say hi to Ashley as well!

Monday 11 February 2013

Kobe Cat Cafe and Ashley Dy!

So the other day while browsing the internet I slammed my fist down on the table in frustration, thinking "gosh! There's just no photos of cats anywhere on here!" Luckily, I went to a cat cafe with Candy Kawaii Lover blogger Ashley yesterday, and was able to get plenty of pictures of cats, so now I can add some pictures of cats to the internet and solve that problem once and for all. No, no need to thank me, it was my pleasure :)
Ashley surrounded by cats, who came to her purely out of love and not because she was holding any food...
This cat was my favourite. It's name is Marimo but I prefer to call it gump-cat. It's little flattened ears and permanent shocked expression were too gosh darn adorable.
A kitten named Yomoza pulling a heaps sneaky move with the box there...
Serious cat faces.

The cat cafe is called Nyanny (in Motomachi) and you pay to stay by the hour, which is around $10. While we were there we were stuck in permanent-squeal-mode and kind of forgot to eat any food or drinks for ourselves, so it was less like visiting a cat cafe and more like visiting a cat... room or something. Still, it was pretty much the most relaxing and kawaii hour of my life. Ashley wrote a post about the cat cafe too, which you can check out here (with even more photos of cats - goodness, we're going to overload the internet at this rate!) More about hanging out with Ashley really soon (and outfit pictures too!)

Saturday 9 February 2013

Comic Book / Japan-France

These shots were taken in a gorgeous little street in a suburb called Kagurazaka in Tokyo. This suburb is heavily influenced by a phenomenon Luci and I have decided to dub "Japan-France". It's where shops, restaurants and buildings are designed to look European in style, with a Marie-Antoinette, Rococo kind of feel (and also for some reason, Christmas-themed, as Japanese people seem to think it's always Christmas in Europe), but the style is also unmistakably Japanese at the same time. Anyway, this sloping shopping street was veeeery Japan-France. And very pretty (I love Japan-France!)
I've just spent a few days in Yokohama, and have now arrived in Osaka! Tomorrow I'm meeting up with Japan-based blogger Candy Kawaii Lover, which is very exciting, and we're both bringing our cameras with us so I'm sure I'll have some photos for you guys very soon!

dress - Some cheap store in Sydney (I forget the name)
necklace - c/o Merrin & Gussy
tights - c/o My Tights
shoes - from Koenji
headband - Thank You Mart

Hope you're all fantastic :)