Monday 14 January 2013

Snow White / Poison Apple: Fairytales meet Science

A bunch of things to talk about in this outfit! After receiving both this apple necklace and this near-black wig the other day, I decided to dress up in a Snow White inspired outfit. My dress is yet another amazing find from my thrift shopping adventure of a week ago (I told you I got a whole bunch of amazing stuff).

The necklace is from a new sponsor of mine, Australian-based Merrin & Gussy. They've very kindly provided me with all the jewellery I'm going to need for Japan, so look out for them in my outfit posts while I'm blogging overseas!

The wig was sent to me by Abhair to review (this wig if you're looking for it). For $23, it's a really good quality wig and looks pretty darn realistic, hat on or off. The bang falls naturally and doesn't get into my eyes either. It's also ludicrously soft right now (although as I've noticed with my other wigs, that softness doesn't last for too long). The only thing I was disappointed with is the colour - I ordered darkest brown, but it looks black which makes it seem a little bit unnatural on me. However everything else about it is awesome, so I can't really complain. (And if you like this colour and are ordering it for yourself, order "2").

Lastly to note are my amazing shoes. When Topb2c asked to sponsor me, I was really excited because they sell heaps and heaps and heaps of lolita-style gear, and I've been after some chunky black Mary Janes for years. Also the shoes fit my big feet, which is something I always have trouble with at Asian stores! Expect to see these gorgeous things in many, many more outfit posts.

dress - Vintage
shoes - c/o Topb2c
necklace - c/o Merrin & Gussy
wig - c/o Abhair
socks - Cotton On

Science fact! Snow White was given a poisonous apple to eat by the evil Queen, but are all apples actually poisonous?
Apple seeds contain amygladin, a compound which consists of cyanide and sugar. In contact with digestive enzymes in our body, this is converted into small amounts of HCN, hydrogen cyanide, which is lethal to humans because CN (cyanide) is extremely poisonous in very small quantities, and can kill you in a matter of minutes (it's the typical poison used in old-school murder mysteries).
Image of Amygladin from here.
Don't let that stop you eating apples though. Thing is, you really need to chew up your apple seeds for your body to come into contact with the amygladin - the seeds have a tough coating which encases the amygladin and protects it from your digestive enzymes. Also, your body is able to handle tiny amounts of cyanide, so if you do accidentally eat a couple of apple seeds, you're going to be okay. In fact you'd have to crush up and eat around 143 apple seeds (from around 20 apple cores) to begin to do yourself any harm.

So anyway, how are you all today?

Sunday 13 January 2013

Packing for Japan

Because the weather in Australia right now is entirely at odds with anything wintery, I've found myself at a bit of a loss as to how to pack for Japan. And I leave in 2 weeks so I really need to start thinking about packing!

To help me plan my wardrobe, I decided to make this little picture of the clothes I'm planning on taking with me. Some of these are still in the mail... fingers crossed they arrive by the time I leave!! Any other recommendations for keeping warm from those actually experiencing winter right now would be most appreciated. It's hard to think about thermals when you're in 40 degree C temperatures.
1. Cape Coat from Oasap
2. Black knee-high socks
3. Red Cartoon Cat Sweater from Sheinside
4. Leather Skirt from Faith & Lola
5. Night Creeper Necklace from Merrin & Gussy
7. Doll Quilted Dress from Romwe
8. Chelsea Boots from Asos
9. Cat Face Sweater from Romwe
10. Snow White Pendant from Merrin & Gussy
11. Musical Note Smiley Skirt from Sheinside
12. Lion Print Sweater from Sheinside

I also just noticed that apparently I am bringing not one, not two but three sweaters with cats on them (big cats and little cats alike). I clearly like cats on my clothes, so... that's what I've learnt today.

Saturday 12 January 2013

The Windy City is mighty pretty

On Thursday, the wind threatened to ruin my outfit photos, but I ended up using it to my advantage. Take that, weather!
It responded by sending yet another heat wave my way :( I am hiding inside today again, wishing again and again that I had air conditioning. If I sound sluggish today, it's because it's too hot to think.

So in these photos, I'm showing off more haul from that little expedition to those thrift-stores from the other day, including this amazing pleated lemon-print skirt! This was such a ridiculously good find. My blouse and belt were also thrifted on the same day! I love successful op-shopping days!

And because I'm wearing my floral collar clips and boater in these photos, I wanted to show off this illustration Impromptu did for me for her blogger series project, wearing much the same things! How amazing is it?
I am constantly blown away by the fact that people around the world, who I have never met, ask to draw me. It's one of the perks of blogging that were both totally unexpected and that I will never tire of!

Anyway, as for what's in my outfit...
blouse, belt & skirt - Vintage
necklace - c/o Sheinside
boots - ASOS
Fine & Dandelion cardigan - c/o Modcloth
hat - c/o Wholesale

I wanted to share a quick but mind-blowing science fact today, that I became interested in after reading this "What If?" question.
Half a billion years ago, a day only lasted 22 hours and a year had 397 days.
It's so strange to think that something that seems so "set in stone" as the length of days and years can vary like that, even on Earth!
Futhermore, the Earth's rotation is slowing as we move through time... so our days are actually getting longer. In fact, atomic clocks show that our days are 1.7 milliseconds longer than they were 100 years ago.
Image of Earth via Nasa
Read more about why the Earth's rotation is slowing down here.

Private Lawns by Angus & Julia Stone on Grooveshark
p.s. This is why my blog post has the title it has.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Vintage Pinafore and an Old-School Door / A.I. Humour

An scientific empiricist at heart, I do like my regular boring background for taking outfit photos in front of, because it removes all variables of different lighting, settings, backgrounds, angles etc, which means each outfit can be more objectively compared to one another. 
However, sometimes it's just nice to be able to go outside and take pretty photos, dammit!

I found the orange door above attached to someone's holiday house, and convinced my boyfriend to take a few ninja snaps of me in front of it - but we quickly got scared away by the barking dog of the people who own the house (and also discovered they were eating lunch just inside - oops. Run away!)
So we then had to adventure elsewhere for photos.
This pinafore skirt is another great score from the country-town thrift stores I visited the other day. Also, it was listed in the "teens" section, so it was only $3! These pretty berry-coloured socks were another awesome score from the same shop for 50c. Even though the heat wave from the other day more-or-less subsided, it's still pretty hot outside - so I kept my outfit very simple, pairing my vintage finds with a t-shirt and black boots from Asos.

tshirt - Forever 21
skirt - vintage
shoes - Asos
socks - vintage
hat - c/o Wholesale

Wandering around the beach, we also came across these guys. I had to put a photo of some real life kangaroos up for all my overseas blog followers - normally we don't actually have kangaroos hopping around all over the place, and I hardly ever see them either, but these guys were happy for us to come up close.

So did you know that computers have started to be able to make jokes that are almost as good as my bad puns??

The following joke was written by a computer:
What do you get when you cross a fragrance with an actor? A smell Gibson!
Alright, so it's a pretty terrible joke, but the fact that it was written entirely by a computer and that it makes some kind of sense is actually pretty incredible to computer scientists. Humour is one of the more challenging tasks for computer scientists interested in creating artificially intelligent machines, being full of abstraction and ambiguity and also dependant on context and timing. The computer that produced this particular joke is called "Stand Up", and was created to help kids with language disabilities increase their verbal skills.  The scientists hope that being able to make jokes is one step along the way to creating computers that can have natural-feeling, flowing conversations with humans. Read more about Stand Up here.

Hope you're all having a beautiful day,

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Bambi, The Heat Wave & Sugarcubes

I know it's something of a faux pas to crap on about the weather in a blog post... but seriously, today was like nothing I have ever experienced before (outside of sauna rooms, and they at least feature an EXIT sign). These photos were taken yesterday when it was a reasonable temperature - it then proceeded to rise by 20 whole degrees ensuring it was a ridiculous 43 degrees by today (I'm talking Celsius  people)! I'd intended to write this post some hours ago, but the heat also apparently melted the internet - it's been down all day. That coupled with constant bushfire warnings/threats, and I haven't had the most fun day ever. I have no idea how anyone lives in places where their summer is like this every single day.

A nice thing I did yesterday, though, was to go op-shopping in a country town! For any serious op-shoppers/thrifters reading this, you will know that country town charity stores are gold. They don't attract the flocks of hipsters that city stores do, or the ridiculously marked-up prices. I filled two massive plastic bags with vintage goodies for $30 - and in these bags I managed to squeeze around 30 or so items, so I'm pretty happy with that! This blouse and belt you see me wearing are just two of my finds.
Then, there is this amazing Bambi skirt (which I've been eyeing ever since posting it on my fashiolista account a month ago) and this necklace sent to me by Sheinside! Both are such awesome statement pieces.

blouse - vintage
skirt - c/o Sheinside
necklace - c/o Sheinside
belt - vintage
boots - ASOS
hat - c/o Wholesale

An interesting bit of science today (although hopefully it's interesting everyday...)
Atoms, the units which make up all matter, while containing protons, neutrons and electrons, are basically 99.9999% empty space (although you don't fall through a chair when you sit on it because of something called the "Pauli Exclusion Principle" - read one of my readers comments below if you want to know more about that.)

So anyway, here's the point - if you were to take all the empty space out of atoms, you could fit all of humankind into something the size of a single sugar cube.
Or so say some physicists. If anyone knows if this is truly the case and who exactly made this calculation, I would love to know.
Human kind squashed into some pretty pastel sugarcubes... Image from here.
I'm now going to go back to monitoring the cold front move towards the beach I'm staying at! It should hopefully arrive here by midnight :( I CAN'T WAIT.

Hope you're all somewhere nice and cool,

Friday 4 January 2013

Intergalactic - another dimension

I found the best thing on ebay the other day. Planet stockings! Being in a nude & black print, they're also a lot different to galaxy printed tights, which I feel have been a bit overdone. I finished off my outfit with some blue lipstick in an attempt to look all "spacey" (why I equate blue lipstick with outerspace I am not sure. Maybe it's because alien babes in B-grade sci fi flims often wear "wacky" coloured lipstick to signify their alien status, or maybe because the cold of deep-space has stopped my blood circulating. Take your pick.)

tights - Ebay
dress - c/o Glamorous
shoes - Label Shoes c/o Chictopia
necklace - Wholesale
hat - c/o Wholesale
lipstick - Etsy (My Beauty Addiction)

So I don't ever talk about the fact that I spend a LOT of my time reading science fiction novels.
There we go, I'm even nerdier than you all probably thought I was.
So as my little science segment today, I thought I might share with you some of my science fiction picks.
Most of them I own in ebook format so I can't take photos of them. However, these books are all good too!
I usually go for science fiction books which are based on real science, or are at least scientifically plausible. I often can't stand the type of science fiction books that are full of aliens who look a lot like humans and especially when they inexplicably speak English too. Or movies that do away with physics, and science is equated with magic (yeah I'm one of those annoying people who can't sit through a movie without saying "but that couldn't work"). So, basically, my favourite science fiction books are less dragons-and-aliens fantasy and more "sciencey" science fiction. (Although in saying that, I will still forever love Dr Who and Star Wars.)

I'm currently reading (or about to read):
WWW.Wake by Robert Sawyer - the main character in this is also, fittingly, a young blogger
Singularity Sky by Charles Stross
Blackout by Connie Willis

I highly recommend:
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
This Other Eden by Ben Elton
The Ugly Series by Scott Westerfield (technically for teenagers... and the first time I read it I was a teenager. I've read it several times since and it still rocks).
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Oryx & Crake by Margaret Atwood
The Singularity Series by William Hertling

Also I had to post a photo of an unexpected and extremely thoughtful gift I received the other day from Christine (the owner of the amazing Flapper Girl).
They're cards! Science themed cards! Thank you so much Christine, you're the greatest. There is definitely a lesson to be learnt in telling everyone what you're into, over and over again - you end up with the most awesome gifts :D