Thursday 2 January 2014

Red Gingham & 2014 / Audio Paradox

Dress is from Bonne Chance | belt, bag and hat are thrifted | shoes no longer for sale | socks from markets

2014. I love living in such a futuristic-sounding year! Looking back, 2013 was a great year for this lady, the highlights being moving out of home, being lucky enough to visit both Japan AND Italy within the space of 6 months and working in a real-life laboratory! I also managed to attain my ridiculous 2012 new year's resolution, which was to be in a magazine - and not only did I do this, but I was on the cover of one, which was probably the coolest moment of 2013 for me!

However, I'm also really super looking forward to 2014. This year, I want to learn how to program like a pro, get over my fear of mathematics and bike ride every morning, as well as some other silly new-years resolutions not unlike the magazine one which I'm not going to share until a year from now, if I actually manage to achieve them ;)

I'm also going to start off the new year with a psychological illusion that'll make you question everything you hear from now on.
image source
So the idea of this illusion is that the tones sound like they are constantly getting lower. However, in actual fact, they are constantly going up and up.
Don't believe me? Listen to a bit at the beginning, then skip straight to the end, and you'll notice how much higher the tones are at the end of the clip!

Why is this happening? While each individual tone gets lower, the tone that comes next is actually pitched higher than the one before it. Yet somehow our brains are tricked into thinking that all the sounds are getting lower and lower.

And as I've mentioned many times before, your brain is so easy to fool.

I hope you've all had a wonderful end to 2013, and have an even more wonderful start to 2014!

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  1. I was just loving 2013. Got my first job, even if not in the area I want, my blog was gaining recognition and I graduated from college, but a family loss made ​​me hate this past year, it's a shame because he was perfect for me, at much less. But I wish you a happy new year and many more accomplishments to come!


  2. Happy new years, Annika!
    I'm glad you had a great, successful year, and I hope the next one is even better (for both of us). Thank you for a year of constant fashion inspiration, unknowing role model-ship and entertainment as was provided by your blog.
    Keep being awesome
    xx Maeve

  3. What a freakin awesome 2013! I didn't know you were on the cover of a magazine! I'd made that one of my resolutions but I doubt I'd be able to achieve it! You look lovely as always, that dress is perfect!
    Wishing you the best in 2014!
    Miche from Buttons and Birdcages

  4. gingham as alway been a favourite pattern of mine especially in red. i remember my summer school uniform when i was younger was a cute red gingham dress and i absolutely loved it!

    that sound illusion is pretty cool! it's scary how easily our brain in tricked into thinking other things.

    hope you have a wonderful new year!

    xo Sarah

  5. Cute and original, as always :) <3

  6. The audio illusion confused my guinea pigs :P


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