Thursday 1 August 2013


As much as I enjoyed the amazing adventure I had in Italy and Croatia, I was pretty excited to come back to Sydney. I missed my family, my housemates, and my house in the city. I'm also really excited to get back into studying science - this semester I get to work on some pretty awesome genetic research - and for the month that lies ahead, which includes a visit from my good blogger friend Ashley Dy!  But one of the things that I was really excited about getting back home for was seeing myself on the cover of Young Vagabond magazine!

Having done a short interview with Young Vagabond and sending them a couple of pictures, I was already super excited for my first-ever magazine appearance (unless you count this). Then, when I was in Italy, I got an email from Young Vagabond asking if they could also use my photo as the cover image for their magazine! I almost immediately sent back a reply saying "ARE YOU CRAZY OF COURSE YOU CAN!!!!!?!!!@$*&@" until I remembered to be (semi) professional. Anyway, of course I said that it was okay, and this was the result!
I decided that doing the same pose in the same place and wearing a pink wig like in the cover photo was appropriate for this post (I'm a dork and you all know it).

So not only was this my first cover appearance (yes, first - I'm hoping for more ;) ), but Young Vagabond is exactly the type of magazine that I would have wanted to have my face on, if I had had the choice. The magazine is aimed at high-school-aged girls, but has none of the vacuous vapidness of magazines like Girlfriend, which is aimed at a similar audience (sorry, but, well, this) and celebrates the achievements of women in every kind of field (for example in their first issue they interviewed an astrophysicist!) On their "pledge", they encourage readers to think critically about the world they live in, which is a statement I couldn't agree more with. I'm honoured to be on the cover of Young Vagabond.

hat - c/o Wholesale
shirt - c/o Sheinside
skirt - Paper Hearts
tights - Kmart
cardigan - Thrifted
necklace - c/o Merrin & Gussy

And if you want to get yourself (or a teenage girl that you know) a copy of Young Vagabond magazine, you can pick it up from the Body Shop and I think Mag Nation in Australia, or order it online here. If you don't live in Australia, you can still get your hands (or eyes) on an online version here!

I hope that you're all very well! There will be many more regular posts again (as soon as I get over my jetlag! And probably before then, too.) Much love,

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  1. I absolutely love what you're wearing! && congrats on the magazine cover feature! (:

  2. CONGRATULATIONS Annika! Well deserved <3

  3. That is so exciting! Plus this looks like an awesome magazine. I'm glad to see there are some good magazines coming out for teenagers, because I am so over all the vapid crap in girlfriend and dolly! I'll definitely be grabbing myself a copy of this one though :D

  4. Congrats darling, you deserve it!:) you look amazing as always :)

  5. Ooh this is so exciting! Go you!


  6. ah congrats! that magazine sounds ace :)

  7. Congrats. The picture is so you!

  8. Wow, how cool!!! Congratulations :)

    Life of Mabel

  9. wow, congrats! the pink wig is super adorable <3

  10. wow congratulations, Annika! I bet it feels super exiciting :)
    Ester @ Drawing Dreaming

  11. oh my god this is so amazing! congratulations!


  12. So cool that you were featured in an awesome magazine! Congrats, pretty girl!

    Xo, Hannah

  13. Congrats! Hope I have a chance to read it too :)

  14. Congrats! Looking good both in this post and the cover :D

  15. eeep, congrats! Sounds like a wonderful magazine!


  16. That's so exciting!!! Oh my goodness congratulations!!


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