Friday 19 July 2013

The Flash & Forever a Geek

Apologies for my semi-absence from blogging lately! These photos sum up much of what I have been up to for the past two weeks - spending hot days in the pool trying not to get heatstroke. Because of this, my outfits haven't exactly seen much variation, apart from throwing on a t-shirt and skirt when "dressing up" to go out for dinner. I did, however, want to blog this Romwe swimsuit which I received a few months ago - and was never able to wear in Sydney because it was the middle of winter (oops).
This swimsuit has sold out - so you can't buy it anymore (from Romwe, at least), but before you get grumpy at me about dangling some unobtainable treasure in front of you and then teasing you about it, I wouldn't recommend this swimsuit to anyone - it required far too much alteration with a sewing machine to become wearable. The top is actually pretty cool, however the measurements were a little off and it ended up too big for me. I fixed that easily with a bit of sewing, and it's become a great cropped summer camisole. The bottoms, however, were far from ideal. The elastic in the waistband was way too tight - meaning instant muffin-top territory for anyone with even the tiniest bit of tummy fat (I'm hiding this by putting my hands on my waist and sucking in my stomach in the top photo, haha). The elastic can be replaced, but again, it's something that you shouldn't have to do. I'm usually really happy with Romwe pieces, but this was a reminder to always double check your measurements, and a lesson in buying swimsuits online. Though I set myself up as a purveyor of online shopping, I think that when it comes to swimsuits and underwear, you are probably better off getting these things in a real-life store, unless the measurements are really detailed and you are super certain about your size.

swimmer top - c/o Romwe
swimmer bottoms - c/o Romwe
skirt - Paper Hearts
shoes - c/o Yeswalker
necklace - Claire's

My dad sent this to me this morning (via Unearthed Comics) and I thought it was a very appropriate thing to blog about right now - this is very, very true of me! Going to a whole other part of the world has sent my brain into science-geek-overdrive - the animals, clouds and climate are all so different to what I am used to, and hence super fascinating. In addition to below, I would also be wondering about the entire ecosystem that the crab is involved in (and everything that is hidden underneath the sand), and how its seashell was made (something I have already posted about after my last time on holiday, in fact!)
Source: Unearthed Comics

I hope that you're all having a wonderful day,

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  1. Even if the suit doesn't fit perfect, it's awesome! And I love that comic. I laughed really hard the first time I saw it because on my vacation a couple weeks ago, my friends and I were discussing what types of clouds were rolling in in the distance.

  2. twit twooo! How amazing do you look, you gorgeous girl :) Looks amazing, so cool xx

  3. Ohhh that's a gorgeous and definitely really unique swim suit! (:

  4. You are a sewing goddess; I swear I'm going to just ship you anything of mine that doesn't fit right. I do love your suit, though, and I think the top is super duper cute! :D Mad jealous.

  5. Girl, you are awesome! Have a great vacation! ^__^

  6. This is adorable!!!! Sorry that Romwe sent wrong sizes. That blows. -C.C

  7. That swimsuit has an awesome print. I'd be very worried about ordering swimsuits from them, as well. If it were a dress, I know my bust and waist measurements, and I know what silhouettes look good... but swimsuits are so revealing, and returns can be really difficult (or just not worth it) if the company isn't based in your own country, so I've steered clear of that. You look beautiful in it, but it's really great to know that you are honest in your experience with retailers (especially with ones who send you complimentary items!). It's definitely something I appreciate and admire.

    xox Sammi

  8. too bad the suit didn't work out, but it looks amazing!

  9. What a shame that the fit wasn't great. It looks so cute!


  10. ahhh you look so freaking cute, Annika!! :) I was actually hvaing a crush on that bikini so I'm glad I just read your review, I definitely wouldn't want swimwear that doesn't fit me properly!
    Ester from Drawing Dreaming

  11. Such a cute cute outfit! I love the print and how it's so high waisted. That's the only problem with buying swim suits online, I always try them on in person I find I'm really picky!

    The Little Antlers - blog
    Little Lemon Designs - portfolio
    My Etsy Shop!

  12. The most gorgeous bikini that I seen in my life. Ahhh it's for die! It's very sad that is winter here and I can not enjoy it.

  13. oh but the swimsuit is gorgeous! what a pity!

  14. Such a good swimsuit! Too bad it needed some fixes.. It's not a huge problem but it shouldn't be something you HAVE to do. It's kind of odd to have a tight waistband for high waisted bottoms. Must be comfortable while I swim haha

  15. You have such a rockin' bod. Im a super nerd at heart too, did someone just say they have seen every single Batman TAS three times? Yes. Yes they did.
    x Eloise - Jazzlipsandtulips

  16. Your swimsuit looks amazing on you! <3 I wish I had beautiful body to wear it too :)

  17. such a lovely swimsuit but such a shame about the sizing because it would be so awesome otherwise! i love that picture your dad sent you haha. i'm totally like that too except more with geography


  18. I was eyeing up that swimsuit for a while but decided to go for three other pieces from Romwe's swimwear range instead. I think when it comes to shopping online for swimwear and lingerie it's always best if you are capable of making small alterations to the fit!


    1. You are the one person who always seems to get away with buying lingerie and swimwear online! But yep, I agree that it's definitely handy being able to do a bit of sewing.

  19. Oh noes, that last picture is so true:)
    Laughing hard at myself right now... But then I remember that the "basic" would be boring, so so what!
    I love your bikinis and have wanted to sew a crop top like for too long...
    I'll have to make it happen!

    Oh and I love love love your blog! There's everything I've ever wanted in here!


  20. Aw that's too bad about the fit of your swimsuit because it's such a cute design. But yeah, I'm wary of buying swimsuits or underwear online because of fit issues too. I think this swimsuit looks so cute on you though even if you had to do some alterations.

  21. I love the nerd part in everything, i'm about to become a biologist and i've always thought that my second choice would be fashion. it's different but awsome at the same time.

    It was so truth the part when you talked about put your hands on your waist but who cares! I have that problem on the bottom and other on the top, my boobs. For me, buying clothes online is imposible.


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