Monday 24 June 2013

Rainy Day & Silkworms

The rain has been relentless for the past few days in Sydney, and isn't forecast to stop for a sizeable chunk of the week. It's good in a way, because going from winter to summer in Italy next week will be made even lovelier after coming from such awful weather, but it's also very frustrating because I had about 50 different outfits to post here before I left!

I have been wanting some kitty shoes for such a long time now, though I'm glad I held out for these ones because they actually fit me (unlike all the pairs I tried to squeeze my feet into while I was in Tokyo earlier this year). These ones are awesome - they are both suede and creeper-style with a slight heel, and, well, they have cat faces on them. And anything with a cat face is basically instantly fantastic.

dress - c/o Sheinside
belt - Vintage
cardigan - Forever 21 (old)
socks - c/o OASAP
hat - c/o Wholesale
shoes - c/o Sammydress

I always wanted to design my own wedding dress, if I were to one day get married. I always thought that I'd just design the structure of the dress, but now that I'm going into molecular biology, maybe I'll be able to help make the fabric too - and own the geekiest dress ever.
This dress was made out of silk from transgenic silkworms, who can produce glowing silk.
Image source
These glowing silkworms are created by inserting a sequence of DNA that encodes a glowing fluorescent protein into the same region of the DNA that encode the instructions for making silk proteins. So the silkworms are exactly the same as ordinary silkworms, and still make silk in the same way, except that their silk comes out glowing.

The medical applications of silk are vast, and it is now commonly used in medicine and surgery. Because the body's immune system doesn't reject silk, it can be used to make artificial arteries and other tissues. But being able to work with a glowing material, that is clearly distinguishable from human flesh, could potentially make things are lot easier for surgeons! Although making a glowing dress out of the glowing silk maybe isn't as necessary an advance as making glowing arteries, it was a good way to draw attention to the research, and well, it's also pretty damn cool.

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  1. I love your dress! :D Shoes are to die for <3


  2. You're so beautiful, Annika! :)

  3. Lovely outfit as always ! ♡

  4. Such a pretty outfit. I love your socks!

  5. Those shoes are to die for, you are so cute. Also, holy cow those glowing silk worms are awesome!

  6. Lovely outfit! Those socks are so pretty.
    Wow, glowing silk worms? That's pretty amazing.(:

    Decked Out in Ruffles

  7. I agree, anything with cat print is an instant winner. Thanks for introducing us all to glowing silk worm wedding dresses! I had no idea anything that wonderful actually existed.

    Editor of Whim Online Magazine

  8. Cute shoes :) I was acutally considering to buy those!

  9. I loved this look! And omg, the cat shoeees~ I tried on a pair of those a few weeks ago, but the form of them was very uncomfortable T_T. I guess I'll have to wait a bit more!

    Wow, the wonders of silk O_O. I had no idea that was possible!

  10. oh you look absolutely darling in your chiffon vintage dress

    and that glowing wedding dress is new!
    it's always fun to discover new things from my blogger friends :)

    The Sweetest Escape 

  11. I absolutely love your blog Annika all the science stuff is great I always pop out your facts to look clever to my friends! I was just wondering, a couple of months ago you made those online mini magazines, and I wanted to know how you did that? I've made a lyrics booklet for The Vaccines album Come of Age for my art course and I want to make it into an online booklet so I can post it on my blog and maybe tweet The Vaccines or something who knows? Anyway would really appreciate it if you could give me a website or something to go on, my url is


  12. super lovely outfit, especially the cat shoes! that silk worm dress is so awesome :)
    Rebecca @ tr[i]b[e]cca

  13. omg you look so adorable! super cute mix and match <3

  14. This dress is so pretty (loving the ombre hair, too), and those cat shoes are awesome. And wow, those dresses are SO amazing. You totally should design your own wedding gown and fabric!

    xox Sammi

  15. how stunning you are annika <3 i love love love your beautiful kitty boots <3

  16. I think maybe someone should get started on that glowing dress lol.

    Your hair is really cool and those shoes!

    Life of Mabel

  17. omg these shoes <3 annika, you are always so perfect. damn, i loved the entire outfit.

  18. cool wig! and your shoes are adorbs

  19. This is so perfectly cute! Your cat shoes are the best ever! I also really love the color of your knee socks paired with your pretty peachy-colored dress.

  20. absolutely love your dress! you look amazing <3


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