Sunday 26 May 2013

DIY Red Cape

It felt really good to get my sewing machine out for the first time in months and make something! This cape coat DIY has been on my to-do list for ages now. I thrifted this red corduroy coat the other day for $8 (then found $7 worth of coins in the pockets, so the coat basically paid for itself!) then took to it with some scissors, cutting up the arms and attaching them to the body of the coat before cutting the whole thing to this cape-sized length. It's basically the easiest DIY you will ever do (and hopefully I can put some instructions up soon!) I got all these free men's coats from the side of the road the other day - a church was giving away a whole heap of clothing and oh boy it was exciting. I took everything that looked like it could be even a little bit useful. But anyway, I've got a whole lot of coats that I'm planning on turning into little cape coats now!

Also, I've turned 21 since I last wrote a blog post. You are now looking at a super wise, worldly old lady. Well... not exactly, but I dyed my hair a darker colour since my last post and so... well... I look a bit different...? Older? Wiser? Although wearing a giant velvet bow and a cutesy red cape probably doesn't help things.

coat - DIY | dress - Chicabooti | tights - c/o OASAP | shoes c/o YesWalker | headband - Claire's | necklace - Claire's

I hope you're all having an amazing day.

p.s. you can use the code "HAPPYBIRTHDAY" for $5 off all ad spots on my blog until the end of May.
p.p.s. want to help me win a $1000 asos wardrobe? Click here and vote for my look (in the "style feed", click on NSW... you should be able to find me there ^^)

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  1. You look super super adorable !!! Just like a girl from studio ghibli's anime films ♡

  2. I love the cape. Everything about this outfit is adorable! Haha you are not old, someone's always older than you so it's all about perspective. But yea 21 lasted about a nanosecond for me so enjoy it before 22 comes along >.<

  3. this is so cute! I can't wait to see the other capes you make :-D

    Francesca xo

  4. I like your hair so much now, they are somehow classier. Classy like we say the next-big-neuroscientist! :)

    tsiou, from  In Whirl of Inspiration

  5. this is such a cute idea, i wish i could sew and re-purpose old coats like this. if i see something in an op-shop that needs some work i just leave it behind because i know i'll never get around to it. also i can't believe you found $7 in the pocket, that's awesome!! happy birthday and ps- i think your hair looks great dark brown. :)

    little henry lee

  6. Loveeee your new hair color - you look positively gorgeous!

  7. cute hair :D this cape is so adorable too :D xx

  8. These is amazing! You're adorable. x


  9. What a genius you are reinventing coats into capes. Please do post the tutorial when you have time

  10. your story about finding $7 in the pocket of the coat reminds me of the time i bought a pair of jeans from the op shop for $8 and found a $10 note in the back pocket. i actually made a profit! :P

  11. LOVE this look. The cape is so so cute, and I love the dress! What a clever girl you are! And yayyy I hope your birthday was wonderful!

    xox Sammi

  12. I really like the red cape. The idea of editing a thrifted piece is inviting; I'd love to try it out sometime! Thanks for the inspiration :)


  13. I was looking forward to a new DIY! This is so cute!

  14. Your hair are so so so wonderful so I want to go straight to hairdress, take your photo and say: I want that hair <3
    You look like from fairy tale <3 Really !!!!

  15. That is such a great idea! I really like how it turned out - can't wait to see the finds you found for free!


  16. This outfit is gorgeous, Annika! Happy birthday also :3

  17. This is great, all around; I love the new hair, as well.

  18. This onez aaawwessome ... LOVE the Cape

  19. You look like Thumbalina, you should take some photos on a flower, great work!

  20. This DIY cape looks awesome on you! I love it with the daisy print dress. Those tights are really cool too. Such a cute outfit!

  21. Happy Birthday, Annika dear.

    Great cape coat. It's so pretty, like you. I learned to sew when I was 12...and have been sewing ever since.

    Love your hair....makes me consider cutting mine a bit shorter. You wear yours so very well.

    Love the tights.

  22. I just turened 21 on the 8th!!! I love this cape and can't wait to make one!!!!!!! Can it be made out of another type of jacket with a material not as heavy as regular corduroy??? And I also featured you on my blog!!!!! It's a baby blog...very young lol but I would love it if you could stop by and maybe comment on my post!!!

    1. I'm sure you could make one out of any kind of jacket or coat! I will try and post a DIY about it when I get back from my overseas trip. Also, your blog is private and I can't view it :( Thanks for the feature, though!

    2. I will try to make it public asap!!!!

    3. ...that and I spelled my own blog name lol it


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