Showing posts with label mermaid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mermaid. Show all posts

Thursday 14 March 2013

I Really Am A Mermaid!

My mermaid membership arrived in the mail this morning, officially certified from the magical kingdom of the Merpeople. So it's indusputable now - I am a mermaid. See? My official-membership-necklace even says so.

Are you guys totally jealous? Yeah, I thought so.

I've heard that this shop called "I Love Crafty" is selling mermaid-membership necklaces too, although you won't have official certification from the magical Merpeople Kingdom (because obviously you guys aren't real mermaids like me). But I guess you could pretend you were a mermaid, if you had one of those necklaces, and were so inclined...

necklace - c/o I Love Crafty
skirt - c/o Faith & Lola
tights - Yoshida (Japan)
shoes - Japan
t-shirt - Thank You Mart (Japan)
bag - DIY (instructions here)

Now this definitely falls into the realm of science fiction, but speculative biology is always a fun topic. This page features several awesome images that speculate on what the anatomy of a mermaid would look like. Below is the skeletal anatomy of a mermaid:
Also, I found this pretty funny: did you guys know that last year, the US government had to make an official statement saying that "Mermaid's do not exist"?

Come on guys, obviously they do exist... otherwise who would have sent me my official mermaid necklace...?